Get your documents notarized public in minutes

Get your documents notarized public in minutes Get your documents notarized public in minutes Get your documents notarized public in minutes

Apostille, notarizations and certifications. Upload files and get them online without visiting an office.

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Get your documents notarized public in minutes

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Simple & Efficient
Simple & Efficient

We offer a simple and efficient online notary service, making it easy for customers to get their documents notarized quickly and hassle-free. Our streamlined process saves time and simplifies the notarization process, making it accessible to everyone.


At NotaryPublic24 we take security seriously, which is why we use advanced biometric verification to ensure the authenticity of each notarized signature. Our online platform utilizes facial recognition technology to verify the identity of our customers, and all notarized documents are stored securely in our encrypted servers.

Fully Compliant
Fully Compliant

NotaryPublic24 offers a fully compliant notary service that adheres to all applicable laws and regulations. Our certified notaries follow strict procedures to ensure that each notarization is executed legally and in compliance with laws.

Free consultation

Free consultation

Are you not sure exactly what you need? Do not worry, our customer support team will guide you.

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We will be happy to solve any of your questions

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